Charrul Malik: Fathers are always special to daughters

Charrul Malik: Fathers are always special to daughters

Charrul Malik: Fathers are always special to daughters

* Bollywood Reporter

      For actress Charrul Malik, Father’s Day is extra special due to the relationship she shares with her dad. “I wish not only this day but the entire year should be celebrated as Father’s Day and Mother’s Day. Fathers are always very special to daughters because the equation with mother we have a talkative equation but with a father, it's different. Yes, we do not talk much but it's full of love. So yes, my twin sister Parul and I are very close to our dad. In fact, my father stays with my sister in the US. It's like 6 months with Parul and another 6 months with my brother. Both of them are staying in the US separately. So, my father says that we are all equal and he shares a beautiful bond with both of us i.e Parul and I,” she says.

   She adds, “My father is not talkative. He is an introvert. He talks very limited and to the point. I feel daughters get close to mothers because they follow her in everything. He is a very kind-hearted person. He was a lawyer, so he was always busy with the cases, studying the case in the library. Though we were close to mom, our bond with dad was very beautiful. He was not a strict father but he was strict when he was supposed to be strict.”

 She adds, “I remember he used to control his cool especially while teaching me maths because I was not good at maths. After mom passed away, we got close to him. He shifted to the US and stayed with Parul and she got that privilege to share some good times with dad."

    Talking about what she learnt from dad, Charrul says, “There's one thing I learnt from my father: how to be calm, and chill in difficult times, how to stay cool in life. I learnt from him, live your life and not exploit ourselves. Also, he is definitely a very good cook and cooks yummy food. He will never let anyone starve. He is as good a cook as my mom was.”