Nyrraa M Banerji: Celebs must start speaking about the problems in our society, take steps to find a solution...

Nyrraa M Banerji: Celebs must start speaking about the problems in our society, take steps to find a solution... consistency always helps in achieving goals
* Reporter
Every celebrity supports one cause or the other just by their mere presence or by attending events. However, there are hardly a few of them who are going out there and doing real field work. Actor Nyrraa M Banerji has a different take on this whole discussion. The actor shares her opinion and speaks on the causes she supports.
“I don’t think just attending an event is at all supporting any cause. It’s just a PR activity. I have been donating rations and clothes to Sneha Sadan, Cheshire home, home for the aged and home for the blind (for all age groups). I feel if I’m privileged and able to help others, then why not? It gives me immense pleasure in seeing other people smiling and helping others. I want to use my stardom to make a difference in society,” she says.
If every celebrity supports a specific cause and constantly works on the field, then they can influence a lot more people to join in. And, together, it would make a huge impact because just donating money or attending an event or doing PR does not really make a difference.
Agreeing, Nyraa suggests, “Start speaking about the problems in our society and their solutions. Take steps rather than just talking about it in different forums. Consistency helps in achieving goals.”
On what she thinks is the most effective way to bring about a change, the actor adds, “I think, before anything else, we need to change the mindset of people. Let’s understand that we all are unique and must use our strength and mind to do something for the society.”
There are many things that Nyraa feels for. But the one cause that is closest to her heart is, “I want to give financial and emotional support to the aged of our society, especially those who are neglected, have no one to take care of them.”