Pooja Kava bonds well with her Radha Mohan co-star Sumit Aroraa

Pooja Kava bonds well with her Radha Mohan co-star Sumit Aroraa
: He’s always smiling, cracking jokes… keeps the environment on the set light, healthy
* Reporter
Pooja Kava shares a happy relationship with her co-stars of Pyar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan produced by Prateek Sharma ( Studio LSD). The actor, who plays the role of Ketki, considers the team her family. But, the one person she bonds really well is her co-star Sumit Aroraa (he is seen as Ajeet in the show).
“I bond with all of them on the set. It’ll be really unfair to take just one name but if I have to then it’ll be Sumit Aroraa, who is playing my husband in the show. He is always laughing and smiling and cracking jokes. He keeps the environment on the set light and healthy, and I’m sure we, as in the entire cast, will agree with me that we are always smiling and having fun as we spend time with each other off-camera,” she says.
Pooja also reveals some behind the scene incidents for our readers. “So, there’s this thing which always keeps on happening with me is that I suddenly start laughing while shooting my scenes with Sumit. He has already cracked a lot of jokes that are always going on in my head, so whenever Sumit and I are giving a shot and it is a serious one, and he has to look at me and all of that, I just have to control my laughter. To save me and the scene, he comes to my rescue and prompts me softly to not laugh, and I control myself for the time being but bursting out laughing as soon as our director Prateek Sharma sir says cut. Sumit also ended up laughing with me. This has become a common phenomenon,” she reveals. Sharing about how she spends her free time on the set, Pooja says, “It’ll sound childish but we play games like memory games, word connection games, guessing games, etc. When we get free time in between our shots, the other things I do is make reels, watch a movie, or just listen to some music or just talk and laugh with someone from the team who also has some free time.”