Dhoom Machale Navratri 2022 - DAY 9 : Shhhhhhh ... HouseFull.... BMB ROCKS....

Dhoom Machale Navratri 2022 - DAY 9 : Shhhhhhh ... HouseFull.... BMB ROCKS....
* Amit Mishraa
Navratri at BMB’s Dhoom Machale Navratri 2022 was a house full event with garba lovers coming in large groups.
Event coordinators Dr. Nimesh P.Mehta & Dr Narendra Kumar said “Today, we are happy that we could spread the message of organ donation to the younger generation..... .
.....who attend our Navratri event.....
....A population which is more aware about the importance of organ donation is always good for our country.”
During the break between garba sessions, Captain A.D.Manek of Skyline Aviation Club & his students made a short stage show about how organs are transported by a “Green Corridor” across states via special air flights.
Senior Physician Dr Sanjay Wani said “Transportation of donor organs, from say Ahmedabad to Chennai, requires the coordination of a lot of people including doctors, transport department, local police department, air traffic management department & the flight crew. This is done so that the organ reaches the recipient as soon as possible.”
Amongst the celebrities & VIP’s, Film FAN And Kaanchali Fame Actress Shikha Malhotra,
Shiv Sena leader Shri Vinod Ghosalkar, Dr. Yogesh Lakhani of Bright Outdoor Media, Actresses Vedika Nawani,
Senior reporter Shri Kanaiyalal Joshi & Marathi Film Producer Shri Mohan Parab, were present.
_You can pledge for organ donation by registering on BMB Organ Donation Number +919136333843