Dr. Priya Kaul: A spiritual coach will guide their clients to find inner happiness, peace and harmony

Spiritual healer, life coach and hope creator ....
Dr. Priya Kaul: A spiritual coach will guide their clients to find inner happiness, peace and harmony
* Reporter
Dr. Priya Kaul is a spiritual healer, a coach, and a hope creator. She is the founder of Empowerment of Holistic Energy and has won several awards and acclaims. She talks about her work, beginning with the meaning of a spiritual life coach.
“Spiritual coaching is a way to involve a spiritual element to the traditional coaching relationship. A spiritual coach will guide their clients to find inner happiness, peace and harmony while supporting them on their journey to finding their own sense of wholeness. As far as the guidance provided by a spiritual life coach is concerned they help in releasing judgments and negative self-talk, shifting to a positive mindset, developing a sense of empowerment, understanding an individual’s true purpose, uncovering internal blocks to happiness and discovering an individual’s spirituality,” she explains.
Talking about the requirements to become a spiritual life coach, she adds, “There is no such requirement, it’s basically your inner calling. But, your own path should be clear and you should be aware of the purpose of doing it and you should be wholeheartedly involved in order to change your or someone else's life.”
There's very little understanding of spiritual life coaches. And, Priya says, “Miracles happen, angels always help, the only thing is people don’t realise this. Most often people are too busy and involved in the fast pace of life that they don’t have time to stand, stare and understand or introspect. If only you pay attention, you will realise what your spirit guides and guardian angels are trying to communicate to you. Each human being has a spirit guide; it may be a departed loved one or someone else, and these spirit guides keep cautioning us, advising us, foreboding us if only we will listen to them.”