ISA National Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.....

ISA National Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.....
* Amit Mishraa
Indian society of Anesthesiologist ( ISA ) is a universal platform for Indian Anesthesiologist. They are celebrating the Spirit of ISA and being ISAian by participating in Nationwide ISA Platinum Jubilee Celebrations from , 1-16 October 2022.
Dr. Charusheela Apsangikar Spoke To Media That " ISA, a not -for- profit organization ,was established in 1947.
Borivli branch of ISA is a forum of private practioners of Anaesthesiology.We have been instrumental in reaching out to the general population by actively conducting CPR session -COLs. We have all enthusiast members."
She also adds"CPR is,a life saving procedure which can be performed by a layman on a,roadside to save someone's life. We have trained thousands of people till now."