Here’s how Nyrraa M Banerji’s celebrating her birthday!

Here’s how Nyrraa M Banerji’s celebrating her birthday!
* Bollywood Reporter
Actress Nyrraa M Banerji makes sure to do her bit for the causes she believes in every birthday. Helping those who need help and trying to make this world a happier place is on her mind every year, and this year is no exception.
The actress, who turns a year older today, visited a blind Ashram in Mumbai. “This is my birthday ritual every year. My mom and I hunt for different places. Last time we went to a school for the blind in Worli. There we fed a lot of people. This year, I went to a blind ashram called Andakshi Ashram,” she says. She adds, “My plans for my birthdays are always the same. I also always buy a lot of ration and donate them to a home for the aged like Cheshire home, Sneha Sadan. I also do my bit for the orphans as well.”
Talking about the thought process behind these celebrations, the actress says, “I make sure that I plan my birthdays with special people because my mom says that being born is a special thing and this day must reflect the purpose of life. It’s important to help people, find your true purpose to live.” Meanwhile, although last year her birthday was in the midst of Covid, she managed to do her bit. “There is this charity trust called Creative Connections which has people from the art world and politics. We head the society together and I donated things through them. Also, in spite of having a lockdown last year, I had received some 14 cakes at home and distributes those cakes to people on the road.” Ask her what she plans to buy for herself this year, and she says, “I always buy what I want, I don’t reserve something thinking that I will buy this only on my birthday. I celebrate small things very often. This time I have bought a lot of shoes, 12-13 pairs!” she says.