Charrul Malik: Too much of a presence on social media is going to hit you back at times

Charrul Malik: Too much of a presence on social media is going to hit you back at times
* Bollywood Reporter
Celeb controversies always make headlines, and become the most consumed news. It is also noticed how every such incident leads to many people judging these known names without knowing the truth behind. News anchor turned actor Charrul Malik, known for TV shows Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai! and Happu Ki Ultan Paltan, agrees to the same. She also opines that public figures are, mostly, quickly judged by the audience, their followers and critics too.
“Celebrities also enjoy this stardom as they get it instantly through social media. Everything has its pros and cons. We should be prepared that we could be criticised as well. It’s not necessary that people like everything about us. Celebrities are also no less as they also like to post content that gives them more views. It's a give and take matter. So, it’s pretty normal to get scandalized. You have to be careful about it and take it responsibly. If we are judged then it should not be an issue as we have only given them the platform,” she says.
Charrul shares that she too has faced the fire. “I have also received some negative comments, but as such nothing controversial has happened. I am very balanced and react in a balanced manner. You can block or turn off the comment section, this is the easiest thing for people who are creating negativity in your life. You can’t make everyone happy, so ignore such things. If you are right then nobody has the right to tell you that you are wrong,” she adds.
Social media makes things go viral, and many enjoy the attention with a pinch of salt, but there are plenty others who react.
“There are some actors, on whose post if I comment, people troll me and write something about it. They impose their judgement on me. I don't react or get affected by it. For me my co-stars and friends are more important. Social media is a bliss and bane as well. Too much of a presence on social media is going to hit you back at times. I personally feel that there are certain planted pages against celebrities. We should be responsible and be careful,” she shares.
Fame has its price. Being a celebrity is not a joke as it brings its own baggage as well as responsibilities.
“Not everyone thinks about it as today people are just addicted to getting followers and likes. There are some actors who are doing just anything and everything to grab eyeballs. I am sick of certain portals. Websites and platforms are also responsible for what they are posting. This situation can’t be expressed as people are just desperate in hogging the limelight by hook or crook,” she ends.