Diabetes affects mainly Four organs of the body. The eye, heart, nerves and kidney.
The effect of diabetes on the eye can cause dryness, cataract and retinopathy. Though dryness And cataract may not cause permanent visual disability, the effect on retina can cause blindness.
The effect of diabetes on retina is called “diabetic retinopathy”. Retina is neuro-sensitive structure on the back portion of eye. It behaves like a Roll in a camera. It captures all that we see and sends the signal to the brain for development.
Diabetes effects the delicate blood vessels of the retina. It can make them weak to cause leakage or can eventually block them to cause bleeding. Both, leakage and blockage can cause permanent damage to vision if not detected and treated on time.
To detect, we recommend a regular eye check-up every 3 months for all diabetic patients. We may require to do an angiography of the eye to detect the extend of damage. Recently OCT test is a very useful tool to detect damage at a microscopic level. Both OCT and Angiography helps us plan the best possible approach for treatment.Treatment involves laser and surgery.
Recently introduction of ANTI-VEGF injection have
changed the way we approach diabetic retinopathy. It reduces chances of surgery and frequent Lasers. It restores vision faster. But all these treatment modalities are short lived.
Individually a diabetic patient needs to make sure that his sugar levels are under good and strict Control over a long period. Check-up is advised even on cholesterol and blood pressure.
A diabetic patient also needs to keep his weight under control.
A timely eye examination and a good control of diabetes &blood pressure will reduce the risk of
sight threatening damage to retina.
* - DR.Nimesh P. Mehta
M.S. ( Ophth..)
DIVYADRASHTI EYE CARE CENTRE , Borivali (West), Mumbai-92